How To Choose The Right Meal Plan

How To Choose The Right Meal Plan

How to Choose the Right Meal Plan

The meal plan is a rational solution for those who want to lose weight faster, but cannot pull themselves together. This is a convenient way to organize your own diet and keep track of all changes in weight. In this article, we have collected for you meal planning tips and how to meal plan for the week.


Meal Planning Tips: Benefits of a Planned Diet

Which diet is best for me? It is not enough just to make a nutrition plan; you also need to stick to it. This is quite difficult at first, especially if you are not used to depriving yourself of food. The so-called “reward system” works perfectly in the human brain, which releases hormones of joy and pleasure. It produces them after a surge of adrenaline while playing sports and eating. That is why we can often not refuse an additional portion of a tasty (and very unhealthy) dish: the brain likes it.

So there is nothing strange about human overeating. But if you want to get rid of excess weight, your eating habits will have to be taken under control.


How to Choose a Meal Plan for the Week?

The peculiarity of proper nutrition lies in the fact that it does not imply adherence to a strict menu. It must be compiled, taking into account the characteristics of the person, his preferences in food. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of combining products. 

These are the following rules:

  • breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates;
  • dinner should contain a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • in each meal, it is necessary to include foods containing fiber (vegetables, fruits);
  • if you want to eat sweets, then this should be done only in the morning;
  • it is important to properly distribute calories.

          Usually, people who adhere to proper nutrition draw up a menu for the week ahead, after which they simply prepare dishes in accordance with it. Below is an example of such a diet, in which the necessary products have already been selected. Of course, changes can be made if, for example, a person does not consume any type of food.

          If you don't have enough time for food preparation, you can order healthy food delivery.



          The menu of proper nutrition for the day includes five meals. We are talking about breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. On the first day of the week, you can eat as follows:

          1. Make oatmeal for breakfast. It can be supplemented with any fruit. As a drink, it is recommended to use tea or coffee.
          2. The second breakfast may include dried fruits and cottage cheese. You should not chase after a low-fat fermented milk product, believing that it is the most conducive to weight loss. This opinion is wrong. Experts recommend eating fatty cottage cheese, as it is better absorbed.
          3. Lunch on Monday may consist of cabbage soup in meat broth and boiled chicken. Be sure to add vegetables rich in fiber.
          4. In the afternoon, you can enjoy fruit salad and unsweetened crackers.

                For dinner, it is offered to cook an omelet, a vegetable salad, and tea. With proper nutrition, you can forget about the rule that says that you can’t eat after 18.00. But the last dose should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.



                The menu for the second day is compiled according to the same principles as on Monday. Breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates, but porridge should be prepared differently. Tuesday's diet might look something like this:

                • It is proposed to cook buckwheat porridge for breakfast. It can be supplemented with vegetables and tea.
                • For a second breakfast, you can eat yogurt and an apple.
                • Lunch always consists of a first and a second course. On Tuesday, you can cook buckwheat soup as the first, and fish cakes and mashed potatoes as the second. As a drink-compote, cooked from dried fruits.
                • The afternoon snack includes cottage cheese, toast, and cocoa.
                • For dinner, you can eat boiled chicken fillet with vegetables and drink tea.



                For breakfast, you can eat not only cereals. For example, an omelet would be a good option. In general, the menu for Wednesday can be compiled as follows:

                • For breakfast, a losing weight person eats scrambled eggs, toast, vegetable salad, and tea.
                • The second breakfast includes the use of yogurt and toast.
                • For lunch, you can make fish soup and boiled veal with a side dish of vegetables. You should also not forget about the drink, for example, natural juice.
                • For an afternoon snack, you can safely eat yogurt and cottage cheese.
                • For dinner, it is recommended to cook meat and supplement it with a side dish of rice. A vegetable salad should also be served with this dish. Don’t forget about tea.



                      One of the principles of proper nutrition is variety. Don't eat the same meals every day. The menu is just compiled in such a way that the options are not repeated. This allows you to eat not only healthy, but also tasty. Monotonous food is boring and does not bring benefits. 

                      Therefore, it is important to take care of the variety. So, on Thursday, it is recommended to eat according to the following scheme:

                      • For breakfast, you can cook rice porridge and season it with dried fruits and coffee.
                      • The second breakfast may include a banana and kefir.
                      • For lunch, you can cook soup with cereals. As a second course, you should choose baked fish, complemented with a rice side dish. A salad will not be superfluous. Drink - compote.
                      • For an afternoon snack, experts advise eating cottage cheese with sour cream and dried fruits.
                      • A great option for dinner is baked meat with vegetables. You can supplement it by drinking yogurt.


                                The menu might look like this:

                                  • For breakfast, you can eat oatmeal and fruits with coffee.
                                  • For a second breakfast, you can eat biscuits with juice.
                                  • As a first course for lunch, you can cook vegetable soup. Baked or boiled potatoes can serve as a second dish. Also, a vegetable salad must be included in the lunch menu with delectable juice.
                                  • For an afternoon snack, it is recommended to eat fruit salad and yogurt.
                                  • Dinner - vegetable stew, ham, tea.


                                            Some people believe that on weekends, you can afford to deviate from the diet and eat unhealthy foods that were not present in the diet on other days. This opinion is erroneous since such an act can negate all the benefits of the previous menu. Of course, you can sometimes afford something not too useful, but in a small amount. Heavy meals can be eaten on holidays, but not every weekend.

                                            The menu for Saturday in proper nutrition mode might look like this:

                                            • Breakfast includes oatmeal and a baked apple with tea. It is important to understand that you should not put sugar in tea. It is recommended to use honey if you want to sweeten the drink.
                                            • The second breakfast is yogurt and a banana.
                                            • For dinner, you can make chicken soup with vegetables. As a second course, experts recommend choosing fish with a salad.
                                            • For an afternoon snack, you can eat yogurt and supplement it with nuts. Instead, you can choose dried fruits.
                                            • For dinner, ham and vegetable stew will be an excellent option.

                                                        On Sunday, you can treat yourself to a cottage cheese casserole for breakfast. It should be seasoned with honey. You can also eat toast with tea. For lunch, you can choose yogurt and crackers. Lunch consists of borsch, chicken cutlets with buckwheat and compote. 

                                                        An excellent option for an afternoon snack will be cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits. For dinner, it is recommended to eat boiled veal and vegetable salad.

                                                        It is recommended to end any day with a glass of fermented milk drink. Usually, people who adhere to proper nutrition choose kefir or fermented baked milk.

                                                        It is clear that it is not necessary to adhere exactly to the diet described above. You can also create your own menu, based on the principles of healthy eating. The main thing is to follow the rules and choose only natural products.


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